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7th Tradition

Tradition of Self-Support

RA's 7th tradition states, "Every RA Group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions." Rageaholics Anonymous relies solely on the contributions from R.A. groups and members worldwide.



Contributions are used for the vital activities of our fellowship, including the R.A. website, Zoom expenses, literature and other activities approved by the Fellowship-wide Service Committee. 

 Contributions can be made through CashApp, Paypal, Zelle, and check. CashApp and Zelle are the preferred methods because 100% of your contribution will go to RA. The other apps incur a fee to our non-profit organization.

Ways to Contribute to Our Fellowship:

Send Online or by Apps

(Click on name of app to link. Then type in RA's account name to send money.)
* CashApp: $rageaholicsanonymous (The name "Marshall S _ _ _ _" (aka Treasurer Skip) will populate to confirm.)
* Paypal: 

* Zelle:

Mail a Check

Make checks payable to "RA World Service Fellowship" and email for the mailing address.

Each R.A. member and group is asked to offer consistent financial support to R.A.


When to contribute

  • Meetings: It is recommended that each R.A. member who is able contribute at each meeting. This provides the group with sufficient funds to maintain the website, pay for Zoom expenses, pay for literature, conduct special events, and build a prudent reserve for the Fellowship as a whole. Even if you are unable to give, please keep coming back.

  • Direct Contributions: In addition to donating funds online, many R.A. members also make direct contributions at in person meeting(s) to help support the Fellowship. 

  • Monthly or otherwise: Other R.A. members send contributions when they are able. Both types of contributions–monthly and non-monthly–are important to meeting the  needs of the Fellowship.

  • Monthly amounts: Concerning individual contributions, any amount that fits into your spending plan is effective. A contribution every month can make a big difference.

  • Tax deductibility in the United States: For R.A. members in the United States, direct contributions may be tax deductible. 

Thank you for your contribution.

© 2000-2023 by Rageaholics Anonymous. All rights reserved.

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