A Program of Anonymity
Anonymity and Safety
Tradition 12 of our program states:
"Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities."
As a program of recovery, we also strive to support the safety, trust and well-being of members. As such, we follow these practices:
We go by first names only, never first and last names.
All meeting participants are asked to identify themselves when they arrive, to assure the safety of the group.
At phone and video meetings, dashboard monitors and co-hosts have the option to remove from the meeting anyone who is acting out in disruptive or abusive behavior.
For Zoom video meetings, participants have the option to rename themselves or hide their phone numbers.
For in-person meetings, people who would like to attend are asked to email the liaison first. The liaison will provide further information about access. The liason email information is provided on the meetings list.
These practices are done to assure the safety and recovery of all members at meetings. Attendance at Rageaholics Anonymous meetings implies agreement to these practices.