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R.A. Readings

The following readings are used in Rageaholics Anonymous. They support our meetings and program of recovery. 

(Click each button to download free readings)

Alcoholics Anonymous Literature

We read the literature of Alcoholics Anonymous, as the foundation of recovery and solvency.


In particular, we read the "Big Book" of Alcoholics Anonymous. We may use this as a guide for working the 12 Steps, understanding the 12 Traditions, and connecting with our Highter Power. 

The literature of Alcoholics Anonymous provides a spiritual foundation for our program of recovery. 

Outside Literature

The following books are NOT endorsed by Rageaholics Anonymous.

However, some members have found them useful, and they are listed here as additional resources, outside the R.A. program. 

  • Anger Busting 101: The New ABCs for Angry Men and the Women Who Love Them, by Newton Hightower

  • And so we Begin:  The founder of Violence Anonymous shares a decade of experience working the 12 steps of VA, by James M.

  • Anger Management: 12 Step Guide to Recognize and Control Anger, Develop Emotional Intelligence, and Self Discipline, by Ray Vaden

  • Anger Anonymous Big Book, The Big Book on Anger Addiction, by Dennis Ortman

  • Anger Busting 101 Workbook: Simple, Powerful Techniques for Managing Anger & Saving Relationships, by James Baker

  • Anger Management Workbook for Women: A 5-Step Guide to Managing Your Emotions and Breaking the Cycle of Anger, by Julie Catalano

  • Recovery from Anger Addiction: How I Recovered from Rage by Resolving My Lifetime of Losses and Pain, by Verryl V Fosnight
  • Outsmarting Anger: 7 Strategies for Defusing Our Most Dangerous Emotion, by Joseph Shrand

  • The Dance of Anger: A Woman's Guide to Changing the Patterns of Intimate Relationships, by Harriet Lerner

  • Anger Management Workbook for Men: Take Control
    of Your Anger and Master Your Emotions, by Aaron Karmin

  • I Don’t Want To Talk About I: Overcoming the Secret Legacy of Male Depression, by Terrence Real

  • The Cognitive Behavioral Workbook for Anger: A Step-by-Step Program for Success, by William J. Knaus

  • Rage: A Step-by-Step Guide to Overcoming Explosive Anger,
    by Ronald Potter-Efron

  • Anger: Taming a Powerful Emotion, by Gary Chapman

  • Instant Anger Management: Quick and Simple CBT Strategies
    to Defuse Anger on the Spot, by Aaron Karmin

  • How to Stop Losing Your Sh*t with Your Kids: A Practical Guide
    to Becoming a Calmer, Happier Parent, by Carla Naumburg

  • The Cow in the Parking Lot: A Zen Approach to Overcoming Anger, by Susan Edmiston

  • The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook for Anger: Using DBT Mindfulness and Emotion Regulation Skills to Manage Anger ,
    by Alexander Chapman and Kim Gratz

  • The Anger Control Workbook, by Matthew McKay and Peter Rogers

  • Domestic Violence Perpetrators 52 Week Intervention Program,
    by Sharie Stines

  • Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No to Take Control of Your Life, by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend

  • I Thought It was Just Me (but it isn't): Making the Journey from "What Will People Think?" to "I Am Enough", by Brene Brown

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